Course Progression

I figured it’s been awhile since I’ve talked about my course. I’m now on the home stretch! Only a few more units left and rumour has it that these units are much easier than our previous ones. Now It’s a lot of putting what we have previously learned into action and applying it to new things. I nearly got perfect on my last practical exam! I score 98% which I’m damn proud of! Especially since I felt a little iffy on a couple of my faults. But I did everything right. I lost a mark for one small procedural error.

dean scream

Two weeks ago was a pretty intense week. We had 2 tests and 1 written exam back to back. I was so happy when Friday rolled around so my brain could take a much needed break! The next week had been pretty stressful too, but for other reasons, which I can’t really go into detail about.

Long story short, classes got interrupted some because we had stuff to do, which was annoying and a pain in the ass. But it was something that was going to be done regardless. They just weren’t planning on doing it so soon apparently. Any ways, things are good now. We didn’t get too far behind in our classes. I’m just glad this happened last week as opposed to the week before. It’s hard enough when you’re stressed about passing your classes and then to throw some more stress on top of it all.

Sorry for the extreme vagueness but I can’t say much more than that unfortunately. Even though most of the public is aware of it, I can’t go into details. Also granted the public doesn’t know the whole story.

I’m nearing the end of yet another unit now. I’m looking forward to the next one because it’s much shorter with it being only a week and apparently much easier. But we shall see if there is much truth to that. What’s easy for some is not exactly easy for all.

Learin’ Skillz

Today I ventured to the town of Tillsonburg with my father to attend a course at the CHAA (Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association). The course was for Service Crew personnel, to learn about how to do basic maintenance on the aircraft they service. The emphasis was on the Harvard MkII and MkIV. I knew a bit about them before hand, but this was whole new can of worms. It was definitely a big learning experience and I’m glad I sacrificed the opportunity to sleep in to attend.

So what exactly did we learn? Here’s a quick rundown of the topics:

  • Towing, marshalling, parking, and securing aircraft
  • Maintaining aircraft cleanliness
  • Re-fueling aircraft
  • Replenishing aircraft fluids
  • Pre-flight inspection of aircraft
  • External starting procedures and;
  • Maintaining service documentation.

It was bloody cold in the hanger this morning. I wish I had of brought a coat with me. All I had was a t-shirt and zip-up sweater. Well I didn’t think I’d need to layer up seeing as it was going to be 17 in the afternoon! I also figured we’d be in a building, like a normal building. Nope, silly me. But they did take the lesson outside in the warmth of the sun later. We did a walk-around a Hardvard, going over what to do as part of the pre-flight inspection. I think I actually got a bit of a sunburn on my face. I didn’t expect that to happen until June or July!

After that, we broke for lunch, had some sandwiches, fruit and wraps, then it was back into the cold hanger. We also learned how to hand wind/crank the engine of a Harvard. It’s not easy. I would have tried if I wasn’t freezing so much!

After more lectures we wrote a test! Gah! I wasn’t expecting that! I did fairly well though. I got 88% so I’m pretty proud of myself. And hey, it was a learning experience and may give me a slight edge with my CF application. At least I can say in my interview that I have some knowledge on aircraft maintenance and marshalling. Everything helps right?