Wrap Up

Well that just about wraps up my BMQ journal entries that I wrote. I’ll fill in some of what happened after my last entry.

We had our drill test the following day. Only a handful of people failed. And because not everyone passed none of us got our cap badges. We did eventually get them the following day after the re-test when everyone passed. The rest of the day was “free-time” for us, for the most part.

We were assigned “Duty Platoon” our last week, which meant we had to clean the common areas on base. But the weather was starting to get bad. So the decision was made to let anyone who was driving home leave at 14:30. We lost about 1/3 of our platoon, maybe more. Certain areas we were told we didn’t have to clean because they were a safety hazard. And because so many of our platoon had left Duty Staff told us all we had to clean was the Green Break Room.

Once we were finished cleaning that, we were “free” to do as we pleased. Kinda. Some people went to the Mess, but came back disappointed when they discovered they weren’t serving alcohol. I just hung out on our floor playing card games. We eventually played Cards Against Humanity. BEST. GAME. EVER. We had some good laughs.

Since being home I’ve had to do a lot of Christmas shopping and readjusting to civilian life. You think it wouldn’t be hard, but it is. Especially walking. When you get used to marching everywhere, walking normally is hard. It’s been hard not calling anyone who serves me (cashiers, waiters etc..) Staff. Oh and cutting back on swearing.

There have been some good habits I’ve developed, like always being aware of timings. When someone says “lets meet at such-and-such a time” I always make sure I’m at least 5mins early. I almost fear being late. I don’t want to get yelled at!

I leave to go back tomorrow. Of course we’re getting hit with a snow storm. Just figures. We had a very mild Christmas with no snow and the day I leave we get it. I’m just hoping there’s no major delays.

Packing has been a bitch. Trying to figure out what to bring is hard. Well clothing wise any ways. After grad, chances are I’m going to my next posting and not home. So I’ll need a better variety of civilian clothes. And definitely more winter clothes. What I had before weren’t the warmest things I could have brought.

One thought on “Wrap Up

  1. Isabelle says:

    Thank you for writing these BMQ updates! It’s nice to read some of the things to expect once we’re there, especially from a womans point of view. I’m planning on joining once I graduate Uni so I’m trying to get as much info about BMQ. Good luck with the rest of your time in St-Jean 🙂


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